In consequence of the difference of (their) causes, in the form of desirables and undesirables, and on account of (their) mutual opposition, Pleasure and Pain stand in the relation of objects different from each other.
And the non-inclusion (of Pleasure and Pain) either in Doubt or in Certainty, is the mark that they are other than cognition.
The production thereof (i.e., of Doubt and Certainty) is by means of perception and inference.
“(It) was" — such (modal distinction) also (establishes the difference between pleasure or pain and cognition).
Also (Pleasure and Pain are not forms of cognition), inasmuch as the effect, (pleasure or pain), is not observed, where (the antecedents of cognition) are present.
(Pleasure and Pain are not form of cognition), because they are observed, when there exist other causes co-inherent in one and the same object, (i.e., the soul).
The head, the back, the stomach, the vitals are in the parts of one and same (body); this their difference (results) from the differences thereof (i.e., of their causes).