Vaisesik Sutra

Vaisheshik Sutra is the main book of Vaisheshika philosophy composed by Kanad Muni. In the Vaisesikasutra, Kanada has given instructions on six substances namely Substance, Quality, Action, Samanya, Vishesha and Samavaya.

First Chapter

In consequence of the non-application of Action and Attribute (to it), (an effect is) non-existent prior (to its production).

The existent (becomes) non-existent.

(The existent is) a different object (from the non-existent), inasmuch as Action and Attribute cannot be predicated of the non-existent.

The existent also is non-existent.

And that which is a different non-existent from these, is (absolutely) non-existent.

"(It is non-existent" — such (perceptual cognition) is similar to the perception of the counter-opposite (of non-existence), because in both cases) there is non-existence of the perception of that which is past and gone, and there is recollection of the past.

Similarly (there is perceptual cognition) of (antecedent) non-existence, in consequence also of the perceptibility of the existent.

Hereby also are explained "not-water-pot", "not-cow", "not-dharma".

That which has not been produced, does not exist — this is an identical proposition.

The water-pot does not exist in the room — such is (the form of) the negation of association of the existent water-pot with the room.

Perceptual cognition of the Soul (results) from a particular conjunction of the Soul and the Mind in the Soul.

Perceptual (cognition is) similarly (produced) in the case of the other substances.

They whose internal sense-organs are not attached to meditation, are those by whom meditation has been given up. They too (have perception of hidden and distant objects).

(Perception) of Actions and Attributes (arises) from (their) combination with Substance.

(Perceptual cognition) of the attributes of the Soul (results) from (their) combination in the Soul.

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