Vaisesik Sutra

Vaisheshik Sutra is the main book of Vaisheshika philosophy composed by Kanad Muni. In the Vaisesikasutra, Kanada has given instructions on six substances namely Substance, Quality, Action, Samanya, Vishesha and Samavaya.

First Chapter

Cognition (has been) explained among Substance.

Among Substances, the Soul, the Mind and other are not objects of perception.

The mode of the production of Cognition is being described, in connection with the differentiation of a particular Cognition.

Substance is the cause of the production of cognition, where Attributes and Actions are in contact (with the senses).

In consequence of the non-existence of Genus and Species in genera and species, cognition (of them) is due to that alone.

(Cognition which is produced) in respect of Substance, Attributes and Action, (is) dependent upon genus and species.

(Cognition), in the case of Substance, (is) dependent upon Substance, Attribute and Action.

(Cognition), dependent upon Attribute and Action, does not exist in the case of Attributes and Actions, inasmuch as Attribute and Action do not exist in Attribute and Action.

The cognition, (‘It is white’) in respect of a white object, (results) from whiteness of the substance in which combination of whiteness exists, and from the cognition of whiteness. These two, (cognition of white object, and cognition of whiteness), are related as effect and cause.

In the case of Substances, (cognitions are) not causes of one another.

The sequence of the cognition of the water-pot, the cloth, etc., (results) from the sequence of their causes, due to the Non simultaneity of the causes, and not in consequence of the relation of cause and effect (among the cognitions).

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