Attributes (have been) mentioned (above).
The Colour, Taste, Smell, and Touch of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, are also non-eternal, on account of the non-eternality of their substrata.
By this is implied eternality (of Colour, etc., which reside) in eternal substances.
And also in consequence of the eternality of their (respective) substrata, (Colour, etc.) are eternal in Water, Fire, and Air.
In non-eternals, (Colour, etc., are) non-eternal, in consequence of the non-eternality of their substrata.
In Earth, (Colour, Taste, Smell, and Touch) have for their antecedents (like) attributes in (its combinative) causes, (and are also) due to the action of heat.
Because their substratum is the same.
Cognition and non-cognition of the atomic and the extended or massive, respectively, have been explained in (the fourth book treating of) the eternal.
Largeness or Magnitude is produced, from a multiplicity of causes also.
The contrary of this is the atomic.
"(It is) smaller", "(It is) larger" — such affirmations, in respect of one and the same object, arise from the existence of the species, or of the peculiarity, and from the non-existence of the species, or of the peculiarity.
(The attribution of smallness is secondary), because of the simultaneity (of the cognition of largeness and smallness in respect of the same object).
Also because there is the analogue.
The non-existence of minuteness and magnitude, in minuteness and magnitude, is explained by (the explanation, already given, of the non-existence of Actions and Attributes, in) Actions and Attributes.
Actions have been explained (to be void) of Actions, and Attributes, of Attributes.
By minuteness and magnitude, Actions and Attributes also are explained (to be void of minuteness and magnitude).
Hereby are explained Length and Shortness.
In the non-eternal, (Measure or Extension also is) non-eternal.
In the eternal, (Measure or Extension also is eternal.
Parimaṇḍala (the all-round, or the spherical - Measure or Extension of the ultimate atom) is eternal.
False knowledge is, moreover, the (inferential) mark of (true) knowledge.
Ether, in consequence of its vast expansion, is infinitely large. So also, is the Soul.
In consequence of non-existence of universal expansion, Mind is atomic or infinitely small.
By attributes, Space is explained (to be all-pervading).
Time (is the name given) to (a specific, or a universal) cause. (Hence, in either case, it is all-pervading).