Action in hand (is produced) by means of conjunction with, and volition of, the Soul.
And, from conjunction with the hand, a similar Action appears in the pestle.
In the action, produced in the pestle, etc., by impact, conjunction with the hand is not a cause, because of the absence (of volition).
In the case of action of the hand, conjunction with the soul is not a cause.
The action (i.e., upward motion) in the hand is from impact, and from conjunction with the pestle.
Action of the body and its members is also from conjunction with the hand.
In the absence of conjunction, falling (results) from gravity.
Owing to the absence of a particular molecular movement, there arises no upward or sideward motion (in the fruit, bird, and arrow).
Particular molecular movement (results) from particular volition.
From particular molecular movement, (results) particular throwing away.
By the action of the hand, the action of a child (has been) explained.
The same (is action directed towards the killing of a felon), when (a house being set on fire by him) the body of a person burnt therein, is torn open by fire.
Movement of the sleeping (takes place) in the absence of volition.
Action in the grass (arises) from conjunction with air.
The movement of the jewel, and the approach of the needle, adṛṣṭaṃ (not seen, invisible) as their cause.
Peculiarities of non-simultaneous conjunctions of the arrow, are the mark of the diversity of its action.
The first action of the arrow is from impulse; the next is from resultant energy produced by that (i.e., the first) action; and similarly, the next, and the next.
In the absence of propulsive energy generated by action, falling (results) from gravity.