Vaisesik Sutra

Vaisheshik Sutra is the main book of Vaisheshika philosophy composed by Kanad Muni. In the Vaisesikasutra, Kanada has given instructions on six substances namely Substance, Quality, Action, Samanya, Vishesha and Samavaya.

First Chapter

Earth possesses Colour, Taste, Smell, and Touch.

Waters possess Colour, Taste, and Touch, and are fluid and viscid.

Fire possesses colour and Touch.

Air possesses Touch.

These (characteristics) are not in Ether.

The Fluidity of clarified butter, lac, and wax, through conjunction with Light is similar to that of Water.

The Fluidity of tin, lead, iron, Silver, and gold, through conjunction with Fire, constitutes their similarity to Water.

That it has horns, a hump, a tail hairy at the extremity, and a dewlap—such is the admitted mark of being a cow.

And Touch (is a mark) of Air.

And it is not the Touch of the visible (Substances); hence the mark (of the inference) of Air is not the mark of the visible (Substances).

Air is a Substance, because it does not contain or reside in Substance.

(Air is a substance), also because it possesses Action and Attribute.

The eternality (of Air) is evident from its not combining with other Substances.

The collision of Air with Air is the mark of its plurality.

There being no perception of the association (i.e., universal relation) with Air, there is no visible mark (of the existence of Air).

And, by inference by analogy, (Air is proved) not as a particular substance, (but as Substance only).

Therefore the name, Air, is proved by the Veda.

But name and effect are the mark (of the existence) of beings distinguished from ourselves.

Because name and effect follow from perception.

Egress and Ingress—such is the mark (of the existence) of Ether.

That is no mark, as an Action has but one Substance (as its combinative cause).

And also because they differ in property from the characteristic of another (i.e., the non-combinative) cause.

Action is not produced on account of Conjunction.

The Attribute of the effect is soon to be preceded by the Attribute of the cause.

Sound is not an Attribute of things possessing Touch, because of the non-appearance of (similar) other effects.

Because it combines with other objects, and because it is an object of sense-perception, therefore sound is neither an Attribute of Soul nor an Attribute of Mind.

By the method of exhaustion (Sound) is the mark of Ether.

The Substance-ness and eternality of Ether have been explained by (the explanation of the Substance-ness and eternality of) Air.

The unity (of Ether is explained) by (the explanation of the unity of) Existence.

(Ether is one), because there is no difference in Sound which is its mark, and because there exists no other distinguishing mark.

And individuality also belongs to Ether, since individuality follows unity.

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