Vaisesik Sutra

Vaisheshik Sutra is the main book of Vaisheshika philosophy composed by Kanad Muni. In the Vaisesikasutra, Kanada has given instructions on six substances namely Substance, Quality, Action, Samanya, Vishesha and Samavaya.

Second Chapter

Non-existence of effect (follows) from the non-existence of cause.

But non-existence of cause (does) not (follow) from the non-existence of the effect.

The notions, Genus and Species, are relative to the Understanding.

Existence, being the cause of assimilation only, is only a Genus.

Substance-ness, and Attribute-ness and Action-ness are both Genera and Species.

(The statement of Genus and Species has been made) with the exception of the final Species.

Existence is that to which are due the belief and usage, namely ‘(It is) existent,’ in respect of Substance, Attribute, and Action.

Existence is a different object from Substance. Attribute, and Action.

And as it exists in Attributes and Actions, therefore it is neither Attribute nor Action.

(Existence is different from Substance, Attribute, and Action), also by reason of the absence of Genus-Species in it.

Substance-ness has been explained by means of its containing more than one Substance.

(Substance-ness is distinct from Substance, Attribute, and Action) also by reason of the absence of Genera-Species in it.

(That Attributeness is distinct from Substance, Attribute, and Action is) explained from its existence in Attributes.

(Attribute-ness is distinct from Substance, Attribute, and Action) also by reason of the absence of Genera-Species in it.

(That) Action-ness (is distinct from Substance, Attribute, and Action is) explained from its existence in Actions.

(Action-ness is distinct from Substance, Attribute, and Action) also by reason of the absence of Genera-Species in it.

Existence is one, because of the uniformity of the mark viz., that it is existent and because of the absence of any distinguishing mark.

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