Ashtavakra Gita

Ashtavakra Gita is a dialogue between Ashtavakra and Janaka on the nature of Self/Atman, reality and bondage. It offers a revolutionary version of non-dualist philosophy. The Gita insists on the complete unreality of the external world and absolute oneness of existence.


Ashtavakra says:
You are not connected with anything.
You are pure.
What do you want to renounce?
Dissolve this unreal connection and be one with Self.

As bubbles rise in the sea, the world originates from non-dual Self.
Know this and be one with Self.

In spite of being visible from eyes, this world is unreal.
You are immaculate and this world does not exist in you like an imagined snake in a rope.
Know this and be one with Self.

Know yourself equal in pleasure and pain, complete, equal in hope and disappointment, equal in life and death and eternal & be one with Self.

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