In the beginning was 'Paramatma-Chaitanya' (The Supreme Self-Consciousness) and all this (the whole world) was 'Paramatma-Chaitanya' only; Apart from this there was no other seer.
'Paramatma-Chaitanya' thought:
"Oh, let me create myself in the form of worlds out of my own being."
These were the worlds he made; Ambhah, of the ethereal waters, Marichih of light, Mara, of death and mortal things, Apah, of the lower waters.
Beyond the shining firmament are the ethereal waters and the firmament is their base and resting place.
Space is the world of light; the earth is the world mortal; and below the earth are the lower waters.
'Paramatma-Chaitanya' thought:
These are Lokes; And now I will create myself as the ombudsman for these worlds.
Therefore, he brought out 'Purush' (universal spirit) from the waters by uniting and gave 'him' shape and substance.
And the 'Paramatma-Chaitanya' (The supreme consciousness) thought of 'Him' (the Purusha) and thus thought of 'Him', a face burst forth and appeared as in like an egg after hatching.
From the mouth came 'Speech' and 'Speech' generated fire.
The nostrils burst forth and came 'Prana' (Breath) from the nostrils and 'Prana' generated air.
Then the eyes burst open and from the eyes came 'Sight' and from 'Sight' the sun was born.
Then both the ears burst open, and the directions appeared from the ears through 'Hearing' and 'Hearing' generated regions.
The skin burst and appeared and from the skin came hairs and hairs produced herbs of healing and all the trees and plants were born.
The heart burst forth and Mind appeared from the heart and from the mind the moon was born.
The navel burst and from the navel Apana and of Apana Death was born.
The pleasure organs burst forth and from the organ, semen and from semen, water was born.