To stay under any tree along the banks of the river Payaswani (also known as river Mandakani) in Chitrakoot is akin to living under the Kalpa Tree (the whole wish-fulfilling tree of the gods in the heaven). Tulsidas addresses himself and says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart. You should always remember and submerge yourself in the thoughts of Laxman, Lord Sri Ram and Sita.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! Have a bath in the river Payaswani, subsist by eating fruits, and having abandoned all expectations and hopes (from this world), you should constantly remember the holy feet of Sita and Lord Sri Ram.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! For serving worldly self-interests known as ‘svāratha’, as well as to take care of the well-being of the soul and ensuring its emancipation and salvation known as ‘paramāratha’, there is only one way—and that is to enhance love and devotion for the holy feet of Sita and Lord Ram.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! Be careful and vigilant that the terrible Kaal (death) is visible right in front of you (i.e. death is imminent; it can come to grab you at any time). So, repeat and chant Lord Sri Ram's holy name constantly with love, faith and devotion.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! One should have deep and abiding affection, love, faith and devotion for Lord Sri Ram's holy name which is the destroyer (eliminator) of all types of sorrows, miseries, grief and gloom. This holy name is an abode (treasury) of all auspiciousness, welfare and well-being.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! During Kaliyuga (the current era of the 4-era cycle of creation and destruction), it is not possible to have Gyan (gnosis; wisdom, erudition and knowledge of the essential universal spiritual Truths) or Vairagya (detachment, dispassion and renunciation from the material world), and neither is it possible to do Yoga (meditative practices and contemplation) nor attain Samadhi (a trance-like state of consciousness where one loses awareness of the external world and is submerged in eternal bliss). Therefore, the only easily available way (to attain abiding peace and happiness as well as bliss and emancipation) is to constantly chant and always remember Lord Ram's holy name (which is the one-stop destination to have for all spiritual welfare and happiness).’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! Regard the two letters (RA and MA) of Lord Ram's holy name as representing Lord Sri Ram and Laxman (his brother) respectively, and do not allow any other advice to find place in your heart (or mislead you).’
Addressing himself, Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! Lord Ram's holy name is akin to a father, a mother, a Guru and a Lord for you. Those who do not like this advice are very unfortunate. It appears that the Creator is opposed to them so much so that he has corrupted their wisdom so that they would continue to wallow in the murky waters of this tormenting world of delusions and sufferings.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! Recite Lord Ram's holy name and be free from all sorrows and worries. This will result in all types of welfare in this world as well as the ‘other world’ for you.’
Tulsidas says— ‘Oh my mind, intellect and heart! Recite the name of Lord Ram which is superior in providing spiritual rewards as compared to the cumulative benefits that are got by doing Tapa (austerities, penances), Tirtha (pilgrimage), Makha (various Yagyas or fire sacrifices and other religious rituals), Daan (making charity), Nema (following established rules and procedures), and Upwaas (fasting).’
Lord Shiva knows the potential spiritual powers, the astounding glories, the great fame and the grand eclectic virtues of Lord Ram's holy name, for he gives this advice of repeating and relying on the name of Lord Sri Ram to a dying person at Kashi (Varanasi).
Tulsidas says that the ancient poet Valmiki had known the potential effects of Lord Ram's divine name because by chanting it in the reverse order (as Mara instead of Ram) he had transformed himself from a cruel Kol (a tribal hunter) into an exalted sage.
Sage Agastya had realised the glory and potent of Lord Ram's holy name in his heart, for he had invoked it, and on its strength, he had dried up the ocean in a playful manner (i.e. without the least effort).
Tulsidas says that the four fruits for all meritorious deeds done in this world (i.e. Artha, Dharma, Kaam, Moksha) are easily available by merely remembering Lord Sri Ram's holy name. This fact is asserted clearly and proclaimed unequivocally by the Vedas, as well as is endorsed by Lord Shiva.
Extolling the greatness and glory of Lord Ram’s holy name, Tulsidas says that one should have abiding endearment, love, affection and devotion for the Lord’s holy name. What to talk of being greater than this reward, no other benefit or reward can ever become even an equal to it in this world.
Tulsidas says that Lord Ram's holy name can, on the one hand, burn (destroy or eliminate) all faults, sins, sorrows, miseries, wants and poverties that torment a person, and on the other hand it can bestow all auspiciousness, goodness, good fortunes, welfare and well-being that exist in this world.
(Talking about himself and his past, Tulsidas says—) ‘What did I count and what was my standing in the society? My condition was like the wild grass in the forest (which is uncared for, trampled upon, and worthless). But by chanting (reciting or constantly remembering) Lord Sri Ram's divine name, I have become as pure, revered and exalted as the Tulsi (Basil) plant.’
Tulsidas says that the Aagam (Tantra Shastra), Nigam (Vedas) and Purans (ancient mythological histories of the Hindus) have underlined the fact (i.e. they have all unanimously declared) that remembering Lord Ram's holy name is the best path of all spiritual paths to be followed by a seeker in this world.
Tulsidas advises that one should constantly remember Lord Sri Ram's holy name, and serve people who are saintly, holy, pious and righteous. In this way one can easily get to the other side of the ‘Bhavsagar’ (bhava udadhi).
Tulsidas says that the name of Lord Ram is like a (all wish-fulfilling) Kamdhenu cow, while the Lord’s form is akin to the (all wish-fulfilling) Kalpa Tree. Merely by constantly remembering Lord Ram's holy name, all the four fruits (Artha, Dharma, Kaam and Moksha) are easily accessible (to the devotee).
Tulsidas says that everyone talks about worshipping Lord Ram and having love, devotion, faith and dedication for the Lord, but rarely does anyone implement it. Love and devotion for Sri Ram germinates or arises in one's heart only when one is very fortunate and lucky.
People teach others to recite Lord Ram's holy name, but they do not do it themselves. Tulsidas says that it is because their sins and past evil deeds create hindrance or obstacles for them.
Tulsidas says that when a person is about to die, all advise him to say Lord Ram's holy name (so that his soul finds eternal peace and deliverance), but the irony is that they don't do it themselves while they are still alive!
Tulsidas advises that one should discard indolence, lethargy and laxity, and instead be vigilant in repeating Lord Ram's holy name constantly. By being opposed to Lord Ram, who has not been made to wander aimlessly (like a directionless vagrant or a vagabond without a destination) in this world?
Tulsidas says that there is no other better friend for a person than Lord Sri Ram's holy name which can ferry the soul to the abode of the Lord at the time of the person’s death (and liberate him from the cycle of birth and death).
(Praying to Lord Sri Ram, Tulsidas says—) ‘Oh Raghunandan (Lord Sri Ram)! Give this Tulsidas the assurance that he will get your personal support and protection, and the support and protection of your holy and divine name ‘Ram’, along with having an abiding love and devotion in both (the Lord himself as well as his holy name) in all the future births that he (Tulsidas) might have to take.’
(Tulsidas prays to Lord Ram. He says—) ‘Oh Lord, in whichever form you (i.e. the Supreme Creator, Lord Ram) make this Tulsidas take birth again in this world, I beseech you most earnestly oh my dear Lord that you should uphold your promise of having love, endearment and affection for me for all times to come, and therefore make sure that I have your benevolence and love in the new life the way I have it in this current life.’