The huge army of bears and monkeys in myriad formations and consisting of all types of members (i.e. consisting of different categories of bears and monkeys—young and old, novices and experts, sober and excited, some joining for the fun of it while others who were professional warriors, some were serious while some were just making merry of the situation, some had joined under compulsion while others had joined voluntarily, some were like mercenaries and others were loyal soldiers who had joined the campaign out of loyalty, devotion and duty) looked marvellous along with ‘Anant’ (Laxman, the bother of Lord Ram) who led it as its commander.
Say, who can compare the army of the Lord (Sri Ram) even with an ocean?
Barvai Ramayan
Barvai Ramayan’ is an abridged version of the famous epic known as the Ramayana which narrates the story of Lord Ram, a human incarnation of the Supreme Being. It consists of sixty-nine 2-line verses composed in the poetic style known as Barvai Chand in Indian literature.