Jabal Darshan

This Upanisad is related to Samaveda. It is also called as Darsanopanisad. There are ten sections in it. A questionaire like description has been made herein containing the questions and answers transacted between Dattatreya, an incarnation to Lord Vishnu and his disciple on Astänga Yoga.

Tenth Khanda

I am now going to describe the meditation that eliminates all kinds of worldly ties. Meditation is nothing else than the appearance of determined wisdom regarding the supreme soul and the living soul considering it one and all.

This soul is everlasting, immortal, omnipresent and free from all kinds of defects. It is one but due to the confusion created by illusion, it appears distinctive. There is no discrimination in it in real sense.

Owing to this reason, only Advaita is the truth. There is nothing like the illusion or world. As the ether is called with two names le. Ghaļākāśa and Mathakaśa,

the people in ignorance consider the supreme soul in two forms i.e., the living-soul and the Isvara. I am neither body nor breathing, neither sensory organs nor mind

but only the element of supreme soul in the form of Siva because of my always existence as a witness. O great hermit! The determined wisdom presuming this only is the meditation.

I am that supreme Iśvara and not the living-soul fastened in the world. Hence, no existence of anything different than me has been remained in any time. As the froth and waves ultimately merge with the ocean, this world is originated from me and ultimately it is merged with me.

Hence, the causative mind for creation too is not distinct from me. No separate existence of this world and illusion than me is here.

Thus, perceiving of this supreme soul as one's own soul enables the man concerned to attain the sense of supreme soul always immortal and the supreme industrious.

The direct perceiving of the sensitive and omnipresent soul in the mind of yogi enables him to establish himself in the form of supreme soul.

The scholar so emerged looks all creatures within him and himself among all creatures and thus he apparently gets the form of Brahma himself.

When the person establishes integrity with the supreme soul by virtue of his meditation to the extent that he does not observe distinctively all living-organisms, he at that state is established in the form of the supreme soul.

The person with such accomplishment observes his soul in the form of all benevolent truth and treats the entire world as a game of illusion played; thus, he attains to the supreme pleasure.

Thus, the great scholar called Dattatreya concluded and turned back to silence. The great hermit! Sanketi duly grasped the essence of the preaching and starts living fearlessly and with pleasure in his real form of the soul.

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