Sankyti again asked Lord Dattatreya - "O Brahmana! kindly tell me in brief and lucid the process of purifying the nerves so that I could be able to attain emancipation as a result of due concentration on the element of supreme soul after the nerves duly purified."
Lord Dattatreya replied - "O Sankyti! I am going to describe the method of purifying the nerve in a succinct way. One should very first do all activities prescribed by the sastras and the prevalent law of the country considering his pious duty to perform then. He should give up the desire as also the resolution to have to yield of favourable results. (The Rsi herein wants to refer that a man has sometimes decide some reverse way unmatching with the worldly outlook in which nothing is expected as a favourable result. In case, if he hankers for the fruit, the activity of much importance will not be made by him thereby causing direct or indirect detriment to the interest of the society as a whole.)
He should be in patience and truthful and follow spiritually, all the eight parts of Yoga including Yama, Niyama, etc. He should concentrate on his soul and obtain the education duly from the learned person and offer the possible services to them.
He should then reside in the state of a mind in concentration at a place with natural landscapes and by constructing a hermitage or at the peak of a mountain, at the back of the river, under the shade of a Bilba tree or a place in solitude anywhere in the forest.
He should sit on any of the posture facing the east or the north direction. The neck, the head and the entire body should be kept erect, and the mouth should be closed.
The orbit of moon should be considered or concentrated at the foreportion of nose and an element of supreme soul in the form of Turiya (Self, Consciousness) flowing a spring of nectar at the iota of Om; should be seen directly through his eyes. The mind should be kept fully concentrated in course of such presumption.
The breathing air should be inhaled through the Ida nerve viz. the left nostril and the same should be stored in the belly. As a second step, he should concentrate on the element of fire enshrined in the middle of the body and a notion should be made that the fire lord is blazed with flames as a result of getting the touch of that wind.
In the third step, he should concentrate on the fire seed after joining the sound and the iota of Om. After doing this all, the yogi should gradually exhale the stored wind of breathing through Pingala nerve viz. the right nostril.
Then, like before, one should inhale the vital air through the Pingala nerve and contemplate on the fire-seed. After this, it should be thrown out gradually through the Ida nerve. In this way, this process should be done in solitude for three-four consecutive days or three, four or six times every day in the evenings of Trikaal (dawn, midday and dusk) time.
Blessing to the exercise so made, the nerves of yogi are duly purified, and its symptoms starts revealing. The symptoms mainly are the body becomes light, the power of digestion awakened and
the sound of Anahata is felt. These symptoms express the mastery on the exercise. One should involve himself in regular practise unless these symptoms are apparently felt.
In case, the yogi doesn't prefer the above-said exercise, he may do the exercise of purifying the soul. This soul is always pure, immortal, pleasure giving and luminated automatically.
However, the ignorance perceives the impurity in it. This soul starts luminating with full radiance when true knowledge is acquired. The man is only pure and innocent who ways out the mud and dirt in the form of ignorance by application of the knowledge soap. Contrary to it, the person attached to the worldly activities is not of a pure soul.