Jabal Darshan

This Upanisad is related to Samaveda. It is also called as Darsanopanisad. There are ten sections in it. A questionaire like description has been made herein containing the questions and answers transacted between Dattatreya, an incarnation to Lord Vishnu and his disciple on Astänga Yoga.

Second Khanda

There are ten rules, i.e., penance, contentment, theism, generosity, devotion, modesty, Japa, wisdom, resolution and listening to the doctrine have been stated.

These are described as under.

According to the scholars, decaying the overflowing power of the body by holding the fast like Krochracândrayaņa as prescribed in Veda's is called penance.

The metaphysician accepts as 'penance' when the concentration is made on the question like what is emancipation and how and by what reason this world is badly tied?

The scholars consider as 'contentment' the state of pleasure in heart felt on having everything as per the god proposes.

In other words, the pleasure in mind felt due to detachment for the pleasure of divine abode including the abode of Brahma too is called the 'contentment' by the learned persons. It is 'theism' as perceived in a man in garb of his firm self-confidence on the dharma as prescribed or contemplated in Vedas and other memoirs.

I only deem the wealth in the category of 'donation' which is given to the needy persons, the learned persons suffering from pains or given as to reveal respect for the great man of characters subject to such wealth is earned by using the legal means.

It is the 'worship of God' if the activities are free from the defects prognosticated to arise in garb of violence and representing the false statements or speeches as also the work which is free from any kind of attachment.

This soul is the truth, the knowledge, unending, the best and everlasting. It too is undeviated and in the form of supreme pleasure. It is 'listening to or pursuance with the doctrine' when one has strong faith on the doctrines in course of performing his activities.

It is the 'shyness' or the 'modesty' that makes a man to hesitate usually to involve in the deeds condemned by the Vedas and the rules and laws prevalent in the world. An obeisance on the preachings made in Vedas is called 'wisdom'.

It is 'Japa' duly allowed by the teachers in pursuance with the channel suggested by Vedas at the reciting manner as noted therein.

In my opinion, the 'Japa' is to engage the propensities of mind in Veda, Kalpasūtra, the holy books, Puraņa and the history.

The Japas are of two kinds. The first is made by reciting and the second is made mutely or merely in the mind.

The Japa made by reciting also are of two kinds. The first in which a man loudly recites the hymns and the second in which the man merely whispers. Similarly, the Japa made in the mind too is classified in the concentration and thinking.

It has been stated that the Japa made by whispering is one thousand times better than the Japa made under loud recital. Further the Japa made in mind is better as much as thousand times then which is made by murmuring. The Japa made with a loud voice provides all persons the due consequences, but it is unfructified in case the men of lower śrotra (sense of hearing) have heard to the hymns so recited.

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