Niti Shastra
Moral conduct, judgment, & ethics
Niti Shatkam
Verses related to policy based on his experiences and dependent on public behaviour. Author has condemned ignorance, greed, wealth, wickedness, arrogance etc. and on the other hand, has also praised the qualities of knowledge, gentleness, generosity, self-respect, tolerance, truth etc.
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The thought-provoking questions and answers provide the definition of eternal values which form the foundations of Sanatana Dharma. It aids in developing our capacity to differentiate the good from the bad.
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Vidura Neeti offers advice on various topics that are still true to date and touches on issues such as relationships, how to understand people’s truth, follow ethical values and to lead life, and achieve success through Dharma.
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Hitopadesh are didactic stories influenced by the Indian public mind and environment. The author has created a story-craft through animals and birds, which has ended with some instructive point. The animals are shown talking about the policy. All the stories seem to be related to each other.
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Chanakya Niti is a collection of aphorisms composed by Chanakya. It is a set of ideas and statements given by the ancient Indian teacher and statesman many of which give valuable tips on how to lead a good and productive life even in this day and age.
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