Kavya Shastra
Poetry and Stotras
Niti Shatkam
Verses related to policy based on his experiences and dependent on public behaviour. Author has condemned ignorance, greed, wealth, wickedness, arrogance etc. and on the other hand, has also praised the qualities of knowledge, gentleness, generosity, self-respect, tolerance, truth etc.
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Bhrithari has rendered the importance of worldliness and disinterestedness here. In this century, there has been a wonderful coordination of poetic talent and philosophy. It shows the emerging feelings of indifference towards worldly attractions and pleasures.
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In this composition, the poet has depicted the beauty of the ladies and their graceful gestures that attract men. In this Shatak, the poet has discussed in detail about women's gestures, types, their attractiveness and their physical fitness.
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In this prayer, Adi Shankara emphasizes the importance of devotion for God as a means to spiritual development and to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The prayer leaves one in no doubt that the renunciation of our egotistical differences and surrender to God makes for salvation.
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